Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Happy Birthday Maam

For those of you outside of the UK our dear Queen celebrated her 80th birthday last week. I celebrated with a few friends this past Saturday, what a day!

First thing in the morning I went round to Mauds to help her blow up some balloons she'd let down and saved from Christmas. We were soon joined by Ethel and Doris who had been to morning service at St. Michael the Mounter. We threw caution to the wind and decided to have a game of draughts before moving on to Dr. Golightlys for a slice of honey sandwich cake and a glass of his parsnip wine. Then my best friend Everard invited everyone around to his place where he served cheese straws and a touch of his red ruby, before surprising us all by coming in from the kitchen carrying a tray of little fruit cakes.

'Everard,' I said, 'When you whipped away that doily I had the surprise of my life! I didn't know you had it in you, I was expecting an iced finger. What a gay day! You've been hiding your whisk under a bushel, get out into the world and make your mark. I'll have a word with my good friend Crispin Touche and see if he can't get you a position under the head chef at the Queens Hotel. But meanwhile let's all form a chain and celebrate down at the 'Happy Bullock'. We'll have one or two in there, then we can move on to the 'Bunch O'Plums' and the 'Friend In Hand' before finishing up at the 'Cock and Trumpet' for the Royal Toast. They've got Faith Gudgeon on the piano this morning so we can sing 'Land of Hope and Glory' then have a collection to get her a new hearing aid. Come along all form a chain behind Everard and we'll conga down to the Bullock.

Well we all arrived in one piece and the festivities began. Maud was drinking Egg flip and Cider, Ethel was drinking Rum and barley wine, Doris started with a bottle of Guiness and a Manhatten cocktail and Everard went mad with a Macademia and Lime. As for myself I had a small port and a packet of salt and shake whilst keeping an eye on the others. Not that it made much difference because by the time we reached the Cock and Trumpet Maud had steam coming out of her ears, Ethel was crying, Doris had to be carried in and propped against the piano and Everard had lost all feeling in his left leg and swore he could smell marzipan.

Mind you an hour later you would have sworn he was as fit as a fiddle because he was stood on the bar doing the splits over a candle singing a medley of Kenn Dodd songs. 'Tears', 'Broken Hearted' and 'There Goes My Everything'.

Happy 80th Liz


Blogger Lee said...

I think I saw Maude clinging to a policeman some time after that, announcing that she wasn't going to come quietly.

Ah, good times...

10:12 AM  

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