Maud and her legs

Poor old Maud, she was as fragile as a ha'penny hairnet, and there was nothing of her - if she turned sideways you had a job to see her. She's been an usherette since the place opened in 1914, and she still didn't know where her feet were leading her! She was alright when she was taking people down to their seats, but she was always tripping over the steps on the way back. It was worse during the war as she had the idea of putting black card over half of the torch lens to save on the batteries.
Anyway, she's packed it all in now and a good job too as in three weeks she's back in hospital having her foot seen to. At her farewell party, I remember seeing the look of surprise on her face when she received her presents. Slack gave her a new ironing board and coal scuttle. Apricot lil gave her a set of cast iron saucpans. Bert the projectionist gave her a root from his hawthorn and a roll of nearly new lino. And Everard and I gave her one of those large plaster alsatians. unfortunately before she could thank us she dropped it on her good foot.
Heigh ho.
That sounds familiar... :) Maybe we should instigate the 'I've got a bone in my foot' devision of the Guild of Bonkers Old Women.
Always a pleasure sir.
Fucking hilarious. More please!
Thanks Sharon and bona drag, it's only the comments that keep me going lately. that and a beef tea, x
Do I take it that your not too good? Take care - I hope that Rick's looking after you!
No, I'm fine. It's poor Maud thats under the weather, x
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