Recipe post a HIT! "official records show"

Well, what a whirlwind couple of days I've had. Haven't posted for months and when I do I'm deluged with comments and requests for cooking spots on day time TV. Richard and Judys people think I could be the new Rusty Lee. Actually I used to do a spot on a Sunday evening at the 'Cock and Comfort' in Chigwell as Rusty Cakeslice, of course nowadays you're not allowed to black up for comedy. Not even in Chigwell. Heigh ho.
Anyway, it got me thinking about putting a few more of my favourite recipes on here. Why keep them all in that kitchen drawer hidden by that bag that used to have some cake in it, a braddel and a biro in the shape of Pee Wee Herman.
The first scribbled recipe I found was from Dot Fairbright. You remember her, she was all swank and no drawers. She would never admit to having a fuller figure, although everything she wore looked as though she'd been poured into it, and that was like trying to get a quart into a pint pot! What was strange about her was that winter or summer, she always wore red wellingtons and a fox fur. I remember being behind her once in the fishmongers, she said in a loud voice. 'Oh, I think I'll have some nice haddock again today, as I'm entertaining someone from the council this afternoon.' Which I suppose was true in a way, because they sent someone round to look at her guttering. She said she was thinking of making Haddock de Poshe (what else?) I said to her. 'Oh, Dot, you are very continental in your ways, I'd never think of doing anything other than poaching it in a bit of milk', Well, she scribbled this recipe down for me on the back of a bit of grease proof paper.
Haddock de Poshe
1 fresh haddock
8 0z sausagemeat
2 oz margerine
Wash the fish. Make a slit down the centre and then stuff with the sausagemeat. place the fish on greased paper in a baking tin, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and seasoning and place pats of marg along the top. Cover and bake for 45 minutes or until the eyes of the haddock look like W C Fields.
Yes, Dot fairbright always felt as though she was a cut above the rest, but Slack had her well taped. I remember Slack saying to me once, 'You can always tell what people are like by looking at the washing on their line.'
I was never quite sure what she meant by that but I do know that every time Dot hung her drawers out the local kids thought the circus was coming to town.
Labels: Knickers, Pee Wee Herman, Sausagemeat, Wet Fish